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Vacation-YayCation! 5 Steps to a Happy Family Summer Vacation

“I love it,” the dad said with a laugh as he walked past me on Main Street in Walt Disney World. “We’ve only been here an hour and I’m already fussing at the kids!” He hugged his wife and they both giggled.

This particular dad was obviously joking around. But traveling with young children can be no laughing matter! Over-the-top excitement, fatigue, hunger, and heat can propel the kids into CrankyLand and cause parents to say, “Now, remind me again why we decided to do this?”

On the other hand, summer vacations can provide parents and children with excellent opportunities for creating happy memories and for strengthening relationships. Here are five ways to turn your family vacation into a Yay-Cation that you will remember fondly for years to come.

Feed your faces. Be sure everyone eats breakfast. Don’t let the rush to pack, load and check the list “just one more time” distract you from eating at least a light breakfast (looking at you, Mom.) You need fuel for the day. Not only does a healthy breakfast kick-start your metabolism, studies show it improves your mood! Include protein, dairy and/or whole grains. Hungry kids are cranky kids, so munch on high protein snacks during the day. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Staying hydrated can give you more energy and regulate body temperature. Hot kids=hot mess. Drink water.

Slow down. Don’t overpack your daily agenda. Your kids may want to be the first ones in and the last ones out, but remember the “eyes are bigger than the stomach” saying. If you spend the day racing from points A to Z, you will just “see” things instead of experience them. A slower pace encourages conversation with the kids. It’s better to do less and do it well. Take leisurely water and bathroom breaks. Stop on the road or the trail for a picnic lunch. Sit by the lake and feed the ducks. The idea is to create memories instead of a timetable.

Embrace your inner child. We are so used to adulting, it’s hard to let go on vacation. Just do it. Cannonball into the pool, throw water balloons on the beach, build a sandcastle, ride the darn rollercoaster for crying out loud, wear a cowboy hat, do the line dance, buy the t-shirt, eat the ice cream, conquer the water slide, take silly selfies with the kids. You can go back to adulting on Monday. For now—let loose! Your kids will never forget the fun that they, and you, had!

Conduct a daily debriefing. Everybody get together at the end of the day, after bathtime and before bedtime to talk about the day. What worked? What didn’t? What was each one’s favorite part of the day? What’s the funniest thing that happened? What do you want to do again? DOCUMENT. Record the debriefing on your smartphone or video camera. These are moments you will never be able to recapture. Let the kids lead the conversation. They will always remember it! And they will love you for letting them take the lead.

Sleep. It’s tempting at night to Just. Keep. Going.

Resist. If everybody sleeps (looking at you, Mom) everybody stands a better chance of waking up refreshed, happy, and ready to tackle the next day. 

Here’s to YayCation! Safe travels!

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