Past Imperfect (Chapel A Day 2013: Day 15)
It was the perfect place to enjoy a recital of chamber music.
Old Christ Church has been standing guard at this corner in Pensacola, Florida since 1832. It oozes history. Coupled with the 1800’s-era music being played by University of West Florida students on the harpsichord, viola and cello, the atmosphere seemingly transported me back to a time when music, worship services, and life were seemingly more simple and pure.
About the third song in, the musicians were joined by a soprano soloist. Her voice was beautiful. She was perfect. Until… her voice cracked on a high note. Could have been the strain of the note… could have been the pollen in the air… could have just been a fluke. The musicians continued to play. She stepped back, cleared her throat, stepped forward and continued on to a perfect finish.
Today’s chapel moment causes me to reflect on the word “perfect.”
A few days ago, after writing and publishing a blog entry, I began to question the verb tense in one of my sentences. I called upon a couple of grammar gurus for help, including the English Comp instructor I was lucky to have during my recent return to college. My grammar was correct, she assured me. I was using “past-perfect tense.”
I laughed when I read that, irreverently thinking, “Well my verb tense may be past-perfect, but when it comes to my life, it’s more past-IMperfect!”
That’s part of why I am trying to visit a chapel a day during the 40 days of Lent. It’s not because I am “good” or “holy” or… Heaven forbid… “perfect.” I am trying to iron out the imperfect wrinkles of my life and become better at what I do, who I am and who He wants me to be.
Is it working? I don’t know, yet. I do know that these hours of reflective time have caused me to cross paths with people, stories, music, scriptures, history and ideas that I might not have encountered otherwise. These hours have also shown me the importance of following the example of the soloist in the recital:
Don’t let an imperfect moment keep you from enjoying a perfect finish.