Just Breathe
It’s been a month.
I have alternated between days where I lost my breath because I was racing around so fast, to days where I felt like I was on my last breath—slogging through the wet cement that was my day. One step forward, two steps back.
Until this morning—when a little breath of wind made all the difference.
I woke up just as the sun was coming up and decided to go out for an early walk. I opened the door to air that was already uncomfortably warm and stuffy. I hesitated, but decided to take the walk anyway. The neighborhood was quiet.
At first, the only sound I heard came from sprinklers that were watering the increasingly green grasses of spring. Then, I heard the chirp of birds. I looked up and saw two redbirds racing from tree to tree in what looked to be a game of avian tag. They flitted here and there, then skedaddled off to parts unknown. Then, I heard the chattering of squirrels and watched as they scampered across a lawn and up a tree…then halfway down..then back up again.
The stresses of the month began ease.
I turned my attention away from the sounds of the morning and focused on the sights. The sky was so vividly blue this morning. Crayola only wishes it had a blue that intensely beautiful. Fluffy white clouds would gather in one spot… then suddenly dash off as if to find another place to play.
As I approached the house and began walking back up the driveway, a breeze began to blow. It blew softly at first.. then more briskly. The leaves in the trees began to swish back and forth. I just stood there, closed my eyes, listened to the soft movement and let the light wind wash over me.
Within minutes, the temperature had dropped a bit… and the air felt clear… and clean. It was, without question, the breath of fresh air that I had needed.
I smiled, opened my eyes, and decided that the unexpectedly early wake-up call and this spur of the moment walk had been God’s gifts to me—gifts that ended with a feeling of renewal and excitement for what this day will hold.
I am looking forward to seeing what His breath will blow my way.