I’m spending the days leading up to Christmas sharing holiday decorations that catch my eye… for better or worse—from Christmas Cheer to Christmas Weird! Bellingrath Gardens and Home-Magic Christmas...
My tennis shoes pounded the pavement today.Running off turkey and that big dessert tray!The Thanksgiving meal was truly delish’,Did I limit my ‘intake?’ Yeah, right… I wish. One step...
As birthdays go, this one was calm.A pretty day, it began with a psalm.“Rejoice!” it instructed. “Burst into song!”I thought about it… but not for long. My singing voice...
Oops. Kind of makes me glad that Facebook, Blogger, and all of the other social networking sites were not around when I was an anchor and reporter. I certainly...
So, what do I do in my college classes? Sometimes, I take a math test. Sometimes, I get to do something more creative… like put together a video/audio slideshow on alligators for...
As I make my way through the classes in my resumed pursuit of higher education, I am really enjoying my classes and thinking that college just might be wasted on...